Temperance Brass

Temperance Brass

We share music in a way people can connect with. Our shows are interactive, educational, and most of all, enjoyable. Also pairs well with beer.

What We Do


We perform in spaces that allow listeners to connect with our music--like restaurants, breweries, concert halls, and schools. Original arrangements, standard brass quintet music, and more. Think Queen, Berlioz, Michael Jackson, Gabrieli.

Private Events

Need a band for your next event? Weddings, gala dinners, fundraisers, graduations and more.


We perform and teach masterclasses in schools and universities. Students of all ages love Michael Jackson when played on tuba.

Who We Are

Matt Baker, trumpet
Chris Haas, trumpet
Katie McCarthy, horn
Sean Keenan, trombone
Max Briggs, tuba


Upcoming Shows